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Dec 6, 2023

[Answer] What country is the world's leading producer of apricots, cherries, and figs?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What country is the world's leading producer of apricots, cherries, and figs?"

...1. Turkey 2. Australia 3. China 4. Italy

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What country is the world's leading producer of apricots, cherries, and figs?"

Turkey - Turkey is one of the largest fruit-growing countries in the Middle East and is among the top five fruit- and vegetable-producing countries in the world. In addition to the country's massive tomato, cucumber, watermelon, and apple markets, Turkey is the world's leading producer of apricots, cherries, and figs — which it exports primarily to Russia, the Middle East, and the European Union. In 2017, 95% of the dried apricots eaten in the United States came from Turkey. The country, which straddles Europe and Asia and lies between the Black and Mediterranean Seas, has the ideal climate for such tree-based fruits, which require a considerable amount of high quality water for successful production.:

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