Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What candy bar was originally called "Raider" in Europe?"
...1. Snickers 2. Twix 3. Milky Way 4. 100 Grand
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What candy bar was originally called "Raider" in Europe?"
Twix - Many candy bars started off with different names than the ones we know today. Names were changed either to help with marketing or because they had different names in different countries. For example, the popular Twix bar was named "Raider" when it was first created in the U.K. in the 1960s. In 1979, it was renamed "Twix" when the candy entered the U.S. market. Although the also name changed in the U.K. in much of Europe it was still named Raider. The name Twix was universally adopted in the late 1990s. Twix is now available in a range of flavors. The original caramel remains popular, but peanut butter, cookies and cream, and coffee also sit on the shelves.:
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