Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Sam plays the piano, Rick toasts Ilsa with his trademark "Here's looking at you, kid", and they kiss while gunfire rages outside. Which 1942 movie gave us this unforgettable smooch?"
...1. Out of Africa 2. Cocktail 3. Cleopatra 4. Casablanca The 1942 classic "Casablanca" should need no introduction. During World War II, nightclub owner Rick (Humphrey Bogart) is living in Casablanca. His ex-lover Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman), and her husband Victor, need his help to escape to America. After he refuses, she wants to shoot him, but can't bring herself to, as she still loves him. The couple reconcile (albeit very briefly) and share a kiss as the war rages outside. Rick eventually gets Ilsa and Victor on a plane, while he goes to join the Free French Forces with the policeman Renault.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. Sam plays the piano, Rick toasts Ilsa with his trademark "Here's looking at you, kid", and they kiss while gunfire rages outside. Which 1942 movie gave us this unforgettable smooch?"
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