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Dec 27, 2023

[Answer] 4. Hobbies: "Bottle filled, now with what shall we seal it?" "How about we put a cork in it?" Which drink is most likely to come in bottles with a cork?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Hobbies: "Bottle filled, now with what shall we seal it?" "How about we put a cork in it?" Which drink is most likely to come in bottles with a cork?"

...1. Wine 2. Orange juice 3. Milk 4. Beer Bottles sealed with cork are excellent for shielding liquids from outside influences for longer periods of time. The flip side is that it is relatively expensive. Since milk and orange juice are not supposed to be kept for a long time, a carton with plastic cap will suffice. Even though some beers are still sealed with a cork, by far the most beer bottles have a crown cap made of metal and plastic.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. Hobbies: "Bottle filled, now with what shall we seal it?" "How about we put a cork in it?" Which drink is most likely to come in bottles with a cork?"


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