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Dec 27, 2023

[Answer] 2. Now it's on to "M". Many's the MALAPROPISM that came from Marty's mouth when he was manic! That excitable man just could not manage long monologues! What's a MALAPROPISM?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Now it's on to "M". Many's the MALAPROPISM that came from Marty's mouth when he was manic! That excitable man just could not manage long monologues! What's a MALAPROPISM? "

...1. beautiful expressions 2. misuse of words 3. malaise 4. mush Malaprop comes from the French mal � propos (ill-suited). It means a misused word, usually to comic effect. The Sheridan play "The Rivals" featured Mrs. Malaprop, who would say such things as "illiterate" for "obliterate." Modern American comedy makes frequent use of malapropisms too, e.g., Archie Bunker's "transvestite (transistor) radios" and "an albacore (albatross) around my neck" from "The Sopranos." (Quoted items from Wikipedia)

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Now it's on to "M". Many's the MALAPROPISM that came from Marty's mouth when he was manic! That excitable man just could not manage long monologues! What's a MALAPROPISM? "

misuse of words:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. Now it's on to "M". Many's the MALAPROPISM that came from Marty's mouth when he was manic! That excitable man just could not manage long monologues! What's a MALAPROPISM? "

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