Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which two brands were founded by rival brothers?"
Two of the world's most renowned shoe companies were birthed from a bout of bad blood between siblings. In the 1920s, brothers Adolf and Rudolf Dassler were partners in the Dassler Brothers Sports Shoe Company, operating out of their mother’s laundry room in the German town of Herzogenaurach. In 1949, following a breakdown in the relationship between the brothers, Adolf created Adidas, and Rudolf established Puma. Puma and Adidas entered into a fierce and bitter business rivalry after the split. It's said that the brothers never spoke again.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which two brands were founded by rival brothers?"
Adidas & Puma:
Two of the world's most renowned shoe companies were birthed from a bout of bad blood between siblings. In the 1920s, brothers Adolf and Rudolf Dassler were partners in the Dassler Brothers Sports Shoe Company, operating out of their mother’s laundry room in the German town of Herzogenaurach. In 1949, following a breakdown in the relationship between the brothers, Adolf created Adidas, and Rudolf established Puma. Puma and Adidas entered into a fierce and bitter business rivalry after the split. It's said that the brothers never spoke again.
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