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Nov 18, 2023

[Answer] Where is this mountainous desert?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is this mountainous desert?"

...1. Spain 2. Turkey 3. Israel 4. Morocco

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is this mountainous desert?"

Spain - Spain is often revered for its stunning coastlines and lush, fertile valleys, but did you know that some regions in the European country are actually bone dry? The southeastern corner of Navarre (a predominantly green area) is home to the Bardenas Reales, a mountainous desert with spectacular topography. The most notable landmark in this desert is the Castil de Tierra, a uniquely shaped rock with a tower-like peak that stands out across the arid landscape. The desert is beloved by tourists for its unusual rock formations, with some even comparing the area to the Grand Canyon.:

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