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Nov 4, 2023

[Answer] 'Business as Usual' was the debut album of which of these bands?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " 'Business as Usual' was the debut album of which of these bands? "


'Business as Usual' is the debut studio album by Australian new wave band Men at Work, which was released in November 1981 in Australia, and April 1982 in the United States.

It spent nine weeks at the top of the Australian 'Kent Music Report' Albums Chart from December 1981 through to March 1982. The Australian version had a black and white cover design; overseas releases had a similar design, but in a black and yellow colour scheme.

'Business as Usual' was one of the most successful albums internationally by an Australian group. It spent an unprecedented 15 weeks at No. 1 on the US 'Billboard' 200 from late 1982 to early 1983; and five weeks at No. 1 in the United Kingdom 'Albums Chart' in early 1983. 'Business as Usual' was also one of the highest selling Australian albums in the early 1980s, with 6 million copies shipped in the US.

Men at Work is an Australian rock band formed in Melbourne in 1978 and best known for breakthrough hits such as 'Down Under', 'Who Can It Be Now?', 'Be Good Johnny', 'Overkill', and 'It's a Mistake'. Its founding member and frontman is Colin Hay, who performs on lead vocals and guitar.

They won the 'Grammy' Award for 'Best New Artist' in 1983, and they have sold over 30 million albums worldwide. In May 2001, 'Down Under' was listed at No. 4 on the APRA (Australasian Performing Right Association) Top 30 Australian songs and 'Business as Usual' appeared in the book '100 Best Australian Albums' (October 2010).

More Info: en.wikipedia.org

Step 2 : Answer to the question " 'Business as Usual' was the debut album of which of these bands? "


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