Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country used to be known as Ceylon?"
...1. Pakistan 2. Laos 3. Myanmar 4. Sri Lanka
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which country used to be known as Ceylon?"
Sri Lanka - The teardrop-shaped island off the southern coast of India was known by early Arab and Persian traders as "Sarandib," which is the origin of the word serendipity. When the island was colonized by the Portuguese, it became known as Ceilão, which was anglicized as Ceylon. Ruled by colonial powers for centuries, the island finally gained independence from Britain in 1948. The island nation changed its name to Sri Lanka in 1972, but the name "Ceylon" is still commonly used in state institutions. One of the largest state-owned banks, for example, is still known as the Bank of Ceylon. :
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