Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you place your hand in the "Mouth of Truth"?"
...1. Rome, Italy 2. Braga, Portugal 3. Bilbao, Spain 4. Patras, Greece
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you place your hand in the "Mouth of Truth"?"
Rome, Italy - You may recognize the Bocca della Veritá, translated as the "Mouth of Truth," from Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn’s memorable exchange at the sculpture in the 1953 film, “Roman Holiday.” Peck places his hand inside the Mouth of Truth, playing on a popular legend that the large mask carved into marble bites the hand of someone who has lied. (Spoiler alert: Peck’s hand does not get bitten). The Mouth of Truth was originally located in the Piazza della Bocca della Veritá until 1632. It was later moved to the portico of the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome, Italy, where it now stands today. The sculpture is both dedicated and bears resemblance to the Roman god of the sea, Neptune.:
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