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Oct 26, 2023

[Answer] 8. James Connolly's execution was arguably the execution that most outraged the Irish. What did the British do that outraged the Irish?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. James Connolly's execution was arguably the execution that most outraged the Irish. What did the British do that outraged the Irish?"

...1. Riddled his body with bullets after he had been shot dead 2. Took photos of his body after his execution to deter any other insurgents 3. Hanged him in prison because they deemed him unworthy of a soldier's death 4. Carried him to the firing squad wounded on a stretcher, then propped him up in a chair so they could shoot him James Connolly's execution was indeed arguably the most controversial thing that the British did. James Connolly, the leader of the ICA (Irish Citizen Army), was wounded during the uprising, and had to be evacuated from the GPO (General Post Office) on a stretcher. After the surrender, he was sentenced to death by firing squad, but on the appointed day he still could not stand. To overcome this, the British carried him out to the firing squad on a stretcher, and then propped him up in a chair, to allow the firing squad to shoot him.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "8. James Connolly's execution was arguably the execution that most outraged the Irish. What did the British do that outraged the Irish?"

Carried him to the firing squad wounded on a stretcher, then propped him up in a chair so they could shoot him:

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