Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. The films begins with a couple of anemonefish finding a new anemone to live in. The striped fish finally find a perfect spot with an ocean view, the perfect place to raise a family. By what other, more common name is the anemonefish known?"
...1. Clownfish 2. Parrotfish 3. Angelfish 4. Catfish Though most often the clownfish is viewed as an orange fish with white and black bars, there are actually over 30 species of clownfish recognized. The designs vary in color and pattern, but the orange clownfish is the most widely recognized species (also the species of Marlin, Nemo, and Coral in the film).
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. The films begins with a couple of anemonefish finding a new anemone to live in. The striped fish finally find a perfect spot with an ocean view, the perfect place to raise a family. By what other, more common name is the anemonefish known?"
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. The films begins with a couple of anemonefish finding a new anemone to live in. The striped fish finally find a perfect spot with an ocean view, the perfect place to raise a family. By what other, more common name is the anemonefish known?"
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