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Sep 7, 2023

[Answer] Which state has the three tallest waterfalls in America?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which state has the three tallest waterfalls in America?"

...1. California 2. Washington 3. Hawaii 4. Montana

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which state has the three tallest waterfalls in America?"

Hawaii - Don’t go chasing waterfalls, but if you must, your best bet is to hop on a plane and head to Hawaii. The three tallest waterfalls in the country can be found here: Olo'upena Falls on the island of Molokai (2,953 feet), Pu'uka'oku Falls also on Molokai (2,756 feet), and Waihilau Falls on the big island of Hawaii (2,600 feet). The two falls on Molokai are carved into massive cliffs and aren’t exactly easy to access — you’ll want to book a boat or helicopter tour. The third on the Big Island is surrounded by steep canyon walls and is also best accessed by helicopter. Looking for the tallest falls in the mainland U.S.? Colonial Creek Falls in Washington state reaches 2,568 feet. The tallest in the world is Tugela Falls in South Africa at 3,110 feet.:

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