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Sep 4, 2023

[Answer] What is the strongest insect in the world?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the strongest insect in the world?"

...1. Leafcutter ant 2. Horned dung beetle 3. Mosquito 4. Japanese giant hornet

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the strongest insect in the world?"

Horned dung beetle - The horned dung beetle (Onthophagus Taurus) is the strongest insect in the world. It is capable of pulling 1141 times its body weight despite being just 10 millimeters long. Researchers established the beetle's enormous strength by gluing thread to its wing cases and attaching this to a tiny bucket which they then slowly filled with drops of water. The horned dung beetle proved to be super strong, showing itself to be up to a third stronger than its nearest rival, the rhinoceros beetle. It is thought that they developed their strength in order to impress female dung beetles by defeating love rivals in pushing contests.:

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