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Aug 3, 2023

[Answer] 1. Why did Pavlov have a special building constructed in which he could carry out his experiments on dogs' responses to stimuli?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Why did Pavlov have a special building constructed in which he could carry out his experiments on dogs' responses to stimuli?"

...1. To show everyone how important the work was 2. To give his brother-in-law a lucrative construction contract 3. To bolster his prestige in the Institute of Experimental Medicine 4. To eliminate unwanted external stimuli To be sure that he was seeing responses to only the experimental stimulus, Pavlov found he had to go to extraordinary lengths to remove extraneous stimuli, creating conditions akin to solitary confinement for the dogs. Originally, they planned to just isolate a researcher in the room with the dog, but found that the researcher provided an ongoing stream of unwanted stimuli to the dog by his very presence - breathing, blinking, moving to relieve discomfort were enough to blur the interpretation of experimental results. Next they tried placing the experimenter in an adjacent room, but there were still noises from passers-by, slamming doors, passing cars, a myriad of distracting stimuli. Finally a special three-floored laboratory was constructed with a trench around the exterior to keep outside activity at a distance. Each floor had four research rooms, all separated from each other by insulating corridors. The middle floor of the building was empty to keep activities in one set of labs from being heard on the other floor. Each of the four research rooms was divided by sound-proof materials into two sections, one for the dog and one for the experimenter. The experimenter did not enter the dog's room - provision of a stimulus was done using electrical or pneumatic means. As far as possible, the dog experienced only the experimental stimulus, with no other external sensory input.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. Why did Pavlov have a special building constructed in which he could carry out his experiments on dogs' responses to stimuli?"

To eliminate unwanted external stimuli:

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