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Jul 5, 2023

[Answer] Which U.S. city consumes the most hot dogs?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. city consumes the most hot dogs?"

...1. Baltimore 2. Philadelphia 3. Los Angeles 4. New York City

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which U.S. city consumes the most hot dogs?"

Los Angeles - Few foods scream summer in America like a hot dog fresh off the grill — and the numbers prove it. Americans spent more than $7 billion on hot dogs and sausages in supermarkets in 2020. On the Fourth of July alone, they will eat 150 million hot dogs — an amount that would stretch from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., five times over. The city that took top hot dog honors was Los Angeles: Angelenos ate 30 million pounds of hot dogs, followed by New York City, Dallas/Fort Worth, Chicago, and Philadelphia. Unsurprisingly, many of those hot dogs were consumed at baseball stadiums — approximately 18.3 million of them — and L.A. Dodgers fans alone consumed 2.7 million hot dogs in 2019.:

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