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Jul 6, 2023

[Answer] 2. Perhaps they're not always regarded as 'great', but this European mountain range marking the border of France and Spain has a dog association. Which of these ranges contains the country of Andorra?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Perhaps they're not always regarded as 'great', but this European mountain range marking the border of France and Spain has a dog association. Which of these ranges contains the country of Andorra?"

...1. The French Alps 2. Pyrenees Mountains 3. Cervera Mountains 4. Basque Mountains The Pyrenees cut across northeastern Spain and southern France making a clear-cut divide between the two. Created over one hundred million years ago, the Pyrenees are actually some of the older mountains in Europe and they contain a number of hot springs and national parks (for both Spain and France). Notably, the small country of Andorra is wedged into the mountain range. One of the smallest countries in Europe, Andorra is less than five hundred square kilometers and is typically neutral in foreign affairs. The Great Pyrenees is a dog breed originally from this region of Europe. Although these dogs are now more frequently seen in North America than anywhere else, this large working dog has grown in popularity worldwide.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Perhaps they're not always regarded as 'great', but this European mountain range marking the border of France and Spain has a dog association. Which of these ranges contains the country of Andorra?"

Pyrenees Mountains:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. Perhaps they're not always regarded as 'great', but this European mountain range marking the border of France and Spain has a dog association. Which of these ranges contains the country of Andorra?"

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