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Jul 10, 2023

[Answer] 1. This 1979 Walt Disney Productions film had a stellar cast. The terms "event horizon" and "singularity" may help you determine the name of this film. What is it?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. This 1979 Walt Disney Productions film had a stellar cast. The terms "event horizon" and "singularity" may help you determine the name of this film. What is it?"

...1. The Black Meteoroid 2. The Black Planetoid 3. The Black Comet 4. The Black Hole "The Black Hole" included Maximillian Schell, Anthony Perkins, Yvette Mimieux, Ernest Borgnine and other notable members in the cast. The film also included the presence of a formidable robot, V.I.N.CENT. Set in the year 2150, an exploration spaceship encounters another craft near a black hole. It is the intention of the docking craft to safely travel through the black hole. One of the optimistic crew members notes, "There's an entirely different universe beyond that black hole. A point where time and space as we know it no longer exists. We will be the first to see it, to explore it, to experience it!"

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. This 1979 Walt Disney Productions film had a stellar cast. The terms "event horizon" and "singularity" may help you determine the name of this film. What is it?"

The Black Hole:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. This 1979 Walt Disney Productions film had a stellar cast. The terms "event horizon" and "singularity" may help you determine the name of this film. What is it?"

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