Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In which of these countries does nodding your head mean no and shaking it mean yes?"
...1. Japan 2. Bulgaria 3. Kenya 4. Argentina
Step 2 : Answer to the question "In which of these countries does nodding your head mean no and shaking it mean yes?"
Bulgaria - You may think that certain gestures are universally understood, like shaking your head no and nodding it to mean yes. In Bulgaria, however, the meaning of these gestures is completely the opposite. Bulgarians nod their heads up and down to say no, while shaking their heads to either side actually means yes. (Other Balkan countries such as Albania and Macedonia follow similar customs.) Why is this? Although no one knows for certain, there are a few theories. One of the more popular folk tales harkens back to the days of the Ottoman Empire. According to the story, when Orthodox Bulgarians were captured by Ottoman soldiers, the soldiers would press the edge of a sword to the Bulgarians throats and to force them to abandon their religion. As a show of defiance, the Bulgarians would nod their heads up, slicing open their own throats rather than renounce their faith. Nodding one’s head up and down became a gesture of defiance.:
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