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Jun 22, 2023

[Answer] 1. Which fish, touted by Theodore Roosevelt as "the most ferocious fish in the world", is quite timid despite their razor sharp teeth and penchant for meat?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Which fish, touted by Theodore Roosevelt as "the most ferocious fish in the world", is quite timid despite their razor sharp teeth and penchant for meat?"

...1. Great White Shark 2. Piranha 3. Cichlid 4. Pacu fish Piranhas (Family Characidae, Order Characiformes) are a freshwater fish well known for their sharp teeth. In the wild, they can be found in the Amazonian Basin, in the rivers of the Guyanas, and the Paraguay-Parana and San Francisco River systems. They have also been found as far away as Bangladesh, thought to have been transported and released by rogue traders. Piranhas are also becoming popular as an aquarium fish. Theodore Roosevelt described the piranha as "the most ferocious fish in the world" in his book "Through the Brazilian Wilderness" (published in 1914). The image of piranhas having such a voracious appetite as to reduce a large animal or human to a skeleton in a matter of minutes is thought to have originated during Roosevelt's hunting trip of Brazil. The locals blocked part of an Amazonian tributary with nets and then loaded in a hoard of starving piranhas. When a cow was thrown in, it sparked a feeding frenzy by the piranhas which took only minutes to turn the cow into a carcass.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. Which fish, touted by Theodore Roosevelt as "the most ferocious fish in the world", is quite timid despite their razor sharp teeth and penchant for meat?"


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