Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the only U.S. state whose official state song was a #1 hit on the Billboard charts?"
"Georgia on My Mind" is a song often associated with Ray Charles, a proud native of Georgia who recorded the track for his 1960 album, "The Genius Hits the Road." The song reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1960. Recognizing its profound cultural significance, "Georgia on My Mind" was officially designated as the state song of Georgia in 1979, with Ray Charles delivering a stirring performance of the composition during the ceremony. Willie Nelson rendered a heartfelt rendition of “Georgia on My Mind” at Charles' funeral in 2004.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the only U.S. state whose official state song was a #1 hit on the Billboard charts?"
"Georgia on My Mind" is a song often associated with Ray Charles, a proud native of Georgia who recorded the track for his 1960 album, "The Genius Hits the Road." The song reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1960. Recognizing its profound cultural significance, "Georgia on My Mind" was officially designated as the state song of Georgia in 1979, with Ray Charles delivering a stirring performance of the composition during the ceremony. Willie Nelson rendered a heartfelt rendition of “Georgia on My Mind” at Charles' funeral in 2004.
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