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May 5, 2023

[Answer] Where is this tropical volcano?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is this tropical volcano?"

...1. Costa Rica 2. Hawaii 3. Indonesia 4. Malaysia

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is this tropical volcano?"

Costa Rica - Arenal Volcano was once Costa Rica’s most active volcano with an estimated 41 eruptions each day. Although it has since entered a resting period, the volcano is still a large part of the tropical nation. The volcano itself is a symmetrical cone, and while hikers are restricted from hiking its slopes, there are plenty of rainforests, waterfalls, lakes, and flora waiting to be explored and encountered. One of the more unknown features of Arenal is the natural hot springs. After a day of trekking through the rainforest, be sure to dip your toes in one of the bubbling pools to fully enjoy this equally adventurous and relaxing vacation spot.:

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