Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is jollof rice a mainstay of the local cuisine?"
...1. Caribbean 2. Middle East 3. Southeast Asia 4. West Africa
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is jollof rice a mainstay of the local cuisine?"
West Africa - Jollof is a delicacy in West Africa. The fluffy, red-orange rice is a staple in the region, especially in Senegal, though debates on which country’s jollof reigns supreme are neverending. The basics of jollof tend to remain the same; the dish features ingredients, such as rice, tomatoes, onions, and chili peppers. Some versions include meat, such as fish, shrimp, lamb, goat, beef, or corned beef, while others include vegetables like peas, peppers, and carrots. Regardless of what is included or excluded in jollof, the dish is incredibly important in many West African countries.:
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