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May 12, 2023

[Answer] 2. Perhaps NOT a modern or common food preservation technique, which process is highly effective for preserving root vegetables, century eggs and some meats? (Hint: don't dig yourself into a hole thinking about this one!)

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Perhaps NOT a modern or common food preservation technique, which process is highly effective for preserving root vegetables, century eggs and some meats? (Hint: don't dig yourself into a hole thinking about this one!)"

...1. Bio preservation 2. Hurdle technology 3. Blast chilling 4. Burial Low light, low temperatures and low oxygen below ground are the factors that can help to preserve buried food. Burial can be combined with other types of preservation (such as fermentation, curing or smoking), and soils that have a high salt content, are dry or are frozen are preferable to use for this process. Biopreservation is using and controlling natural microbes to prolong the life of food, hurdle technology is the use of several different techniques to preserve food, and blast chilling is a method of cooling food very quickly (similar to freezing yet quicker again).

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Perhaps NOT a modern or common food preservation technique, which process is highly effective for preserving root vegetables, century eggs and some meats? (Hint: don't dig yourself into a hole thinking about this one!)"


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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. Perhaps NOT a modern or common food preservation technique, which process is highly effective for preserving root vegetables, century eggs and some meats? (Hint: don't dig yourself into a hole thinking about this one!)"

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