Step 1 : Introduction to the question "On which 1970's TV show would you have heard the classic line, "Kiss my Grits"?"
"Kiss my grits" was first uttered on TV by Alabama native Polly Holliday when she portrayed the sassy waitress Florence Jean "Flo" Castleberry on the show "Alice." According to Polly Holliday, the line was originally written as, "Kiss my honeydew!" When the line didn't get any laughs, a change was made that was perfectly suited to Carter-era America, and one that got audiences not from the South curious about grits." Holliday's portrayal of Flo was so popular that she left "Alice" in 1980 for her own short lived spin-off show "Flo."
Step 2 : Answer to the question "On which 1970's TV show would you have heard the classic line, "Kiss my Grits"?"
"Kiss my grits" was first uttered on TV by Alabama native Polly Holliday when she portrayed the sassy waitress Florence Jean "Flo" Castleberry on the show "Alice." According to Polly Holliday, the line was originally written as, "Kiss my honeydew!" When the line didn't get any laughs, a change was made that was perfectly suited to Carter-era America, and one that got audiences not from the South curious about grits." Holliday's portrayal of Flo was so popular that she left "Alice" in 1980 for her own short lived spin-off show "Flo."
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