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Apr 9, 2023

[Answer] Where can you find this rock formation that looks like a split apple?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you find this rock formation that looks like a split apple?"

...1. New Zealand 2. Canada 3. United States 4. Switzerland

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you find this rock formation that looks like a split apple?"

New Zealand - In the waters of Tasman Bay, off the northern coast of New Zealand's South Island, visitors can spot the strangely shaped Split Apple Rock, one of the country's most interesting landmarks. The naturally occurring formation is located in Abel Tasman National Park and is made of granite that is estimated to be 120 million years old. According to Māori legend, two gods fought to possess the rock, ultimately using their powers to split it in half. Modern science, on the other hand, believes that water seeped into a small crevice in the rock, froze during an ice age, and expanded, cracking the stone right down the middle. In Māori, the stone's name is "Tokangawhā," which means "burst open rock.":

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