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Apr 30, 2023

[Answer] Where are these unusual rock columns in the U.S.?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where are these unusual rock columns in the U.S.?"

...1. California 2. Louisiana 3. Nevada 4. Missouri

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where are these unusual rock columns in the U.S.?"

California - The unusual rocks pictured are the Crowley Lake columns found in central California. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, a massive volcanic eruption (more than 2,000 times larger than that of Mount Saint Helens') created the Long Valley Caldera that holds Lake Crowley. That explosion spread erosion-resistant minerals across the region, which created tuff rock deposit. This still-hot material was then hit by falling snow, which melted and boiled atop the porous rock, creating the spaces between what are now the Crowley Lake columns. Researchers estimate that there are up to 5,000 of the columns within a three-square-mile area east of the lake. The columns weren't noticed by humans until the reservoir was completed in 1941, but since then they've become a natural wonder visited by tourists and scientists alike.:

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