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Apr 23, 2023

[Answer] What NFL player has been cleared to resume playing football some four months after going into cardiac arrest?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What NFL player has been cleared to resume playing football some four months after going into cardiac arrest?"

...Buffalo Bills’ safety Damar Hamlin has been cleared to resume playing football, just four months after he collapsed on the field after suffering a cardiac arrest. Hamlin’s heart stopped beating after making what appeared to be a routine tackle in a January game against the Cincinnati Bengals. He received CPR on the field within minutes, which experts credit with drastically improving his odds of survival. Hamlin has since experienced what doctors are calling a remarkable recovery and is attending the team’s voluntary workout program this weekend.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What NFL player has been cleared to resume playing football some four months after going into cardiac arrest?"

Damar Hamlin:

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