Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. state NEVER had a working battleship named after it?"
Except for Kearsarge, which was named by an act of Congress, all U.S. Navy battleships have been named for states, and each of the 48 contiguous states have had at least one battleship named after it, except Montana. Two battleships were authorized to be named Montana, but both were canceled before construction started in favor of more urgently needed aircraft carriers. Alaska and Hawaii did not become states until 1959, after the end of battleship building, but the battlecruiser, or "Large Cruiser," USS Alaska served during the end of World War II.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which U.S. state NEVER had a working battleship named after it?"
Except for Kearsarge, which was named by an act of Congress, all U.S. Navy battleships have been named for states, and each of the 48 contiguous states have had at least one battleship named after it, except Montana. Two battleships were authorized to be named Montana, but both were canceled before construction started in favor of more urgently needed aircraft carriers. Alaska and Hawaii did not become states until 1959, after the end of battleship building, but the battlecruiser, or "Large Cruiser," USS Alaska served during the end of World War II.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which U.S. state NEVER had a working battleship named after it?"
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