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Apr 6, 2023

[Ans] Demi Moore began her acting career on which soap opera?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Demi Moore began her acting career on which soap opera?"

Before "Ghost" and "A Few Good Men," actress Demi Moore got her big break on ABC's long-running soap "General Hospital." Moore joined the cast in 1982, playing the role of Jackie Templeton. Jackie was a hard-hitting investigatie journalist who teamed up with Luke Spencer when the love of his life, Laura Webber, went missing. After becoming embroiled in a murder investigation, Jackie ultimately decided she had had enough of Port Charles. The character left town in 1984, and Demi Moore was never seen on the soap opera again.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Demi Moore began her acting career on which soap opera?"

General Hospital:

Before "Ghost" and "A Few Good Men," actress Demi Moore got her big break on ABC's long-running soap "General Hospital." Moore joined the cast in 1982, playing the role of Jackie Templeton. Jackie was a hard-hitting investigatie journalist who teamed up with Luke Spencer when the love of his life, Laura Webber, went missing. After becoming embroiled in a murder investigation, Jackie ultimately decided she had had enough of Port Charles. The character left town in 1984, and Demi Moore was never seen on the soap opera again.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Demi Moore began her acting career on which soap opera?"

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