Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who was the state of Virginia named after?"
...1. Virginia Woolf 2. Queen Isabella 3. Virginia Dare 4. Queen Elizabeth I
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who was the state of Virginia named after?"
Queen Elizabeth I - Out of the 50 states, seven of them are named after royalty. Georgia’s namesake is King George II, who was crowned King of England five years prior to the settlement. Louisiana was named for King Louis XIV, and its suffix refers to “a collection of lands” owned by him. Maryland was named for English King Charles I’s wife, Henrietta Maria, the daughter of French King Henry IV. The Carolinas are named in tribute to King Charles I, Charles IX, and King Charles II. But which sovereign were the Virginias named after? They didn’t take their name directly from their namesake, but rather from Queen Elizabeth’s nickname: the Virgin Queen, as she never married during her 44-year reign. Sir Walter Raleigh settled Virginia in her name in 1584.:
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