Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. This well-known dish of beef, pate, mushrooms, truffles and a Madeira sauce encased in a pastry crust was named for a famous general. Which dish is it?"
...1. Washington Pie 2. Beef Wellington 3. Beef Stroganoff 4. Bonaparte's Ribs You can take your choice of three stories about the origin of Beef Wellington. One story has it that the winner of the Battle of Waterloo had impaired taste buds and always left it to his chef to decide what should be served for dinner. While a man may not be a hero to his valet, if you choose this story then it is clear that Wellington was a hero to his chef who concocted this delectable dish and named it in his employer's honour. A second story is that that the Duke's taste buds were quite intact and he loved this particular beef dish so much that he had it served at every formal dinner he gave, and his guests dubbed it Beef Wellington. The final story has to do with the fact that there are those who think that the shape of Beef Wellington resembles the other eponymous connection to Arthur Wellesley, First Duke of Wellington - the Wellington boot. Whatever its beginnings, it's a superb dish. There really is a Washington Pie, by the way, named for George Washington, another famous general. Washington Pie, though, is not a pie at all, but a cake and contains no beef whatsoever. Beef Stroganoff was created by Charles Briere, a French chef who was in the employ of the powerful Stroganoff family in St. Petersburg, Russia. Chef Briere concocted this chopped beef/sour cream/mushrooms/noodles dish because his employer, Count Pavel Alexandrovich Stroganoff, had no teeth and consequently couldn't chew anything. In 1891 Briere entered his recipe in the 1891 'L'Art Culinaire' competition and it won first place. And finally, Bonaparte's Ribs is the name given to an early nineteenth century English boiled sweet (hard candy) that featured the colours of Napoleon's standard. It probably made English children feel very patriotic to be putting the bite on Boney!
Step 2 : Answer to the question "6. This well-known dish of beef, pate, mushrooms, truffles and a Madeira sauce encased in a pastry crust was named for a famous general. Which dish is it?"
Beef Wellington:
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