Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. city calls itself the Hanging Basket Capital of the World?"
...1. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 2. San Diego, California 3. Eugene, Oregon 4. Anchorage, Alaska
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which U.S. city calls itself the Hanging Basket Capital of the World?"
Anchorage, Alaska - Anchorage takes its hanging baskets seriously. Each May, hundreds of baskets filled with flowers adorn the downtown streets, with two on every streetlight. The baskets boast golden marigolds and sapphire trailing lobelia, the colors of the Alaska state flag. Red and pink ivy geraniums and fuchsias are also popular. Many residents keep their baskets in the greenhouses at Bell’s Nursery during the harsh winters, picking them up each Memorial Day. Victoria, British Columbia, also calls itself the Hanging Basket Capital of the World, but it’s unclear whether the two cities have ever tried to compete for the ultimate title. :
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