Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these U.S. cities was named after an ancient Egyptian capital?"
...1. Memphis 2. Tucson 3. Omaha 4. Anaheim
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these U.S. cities was named after an ancient Egyptian capital?"
Memphis - The fact that Memphis, Tennessee, shares a name with the ancient capital of Egypt is no coincidence. Before he was president, general Andrew Jackson was one of the three people who founded the city in 1819 and coined the name based on its geography. Memphis was the ancient capital of Egypt because of its prominent location on the Nile River Delta. Its American counterpart was also located on the delta of an important river — the Mississippi, which was sometimes referred to as “the American Nile.” The Egyptian Memphis later declined in population and was left to ruins, but a bond between the Tennessee city and its ancient counterpart remains. Memphis, Tennessee, has its own glass pyramid, and a number of Egyptian artifacts can be viewed around the city to this day.:
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