Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is the largest freshwater island in the world?"
...1. Quebec, Canada 2. Siberia, Russia 3. Michigan, U.S.A. 4. Ontario, Canada
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is the largest freshwater island in the world?"
Ontario, Canada - The largest freshwater island in the world is Manitoulin Island in the Canadian province of Ontario. Stretching more than 1,000 square miles on Lake Huron, the island has remained inhabited with native indigenous communities and descendants of the European explorers that landed there in 1863. At one point, Manitoulin Island even had its own currency, Haweater Dollars. The name refers to a common nickname for locals — “haweaters” — and the island’s abundance of hawthorn trees. Early settlers supplemented their diets with large amounts of hawberries from the hawthorn trees and came to be known as haweaters, a nickname which persists today.:
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