Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. An entirely man-made disaster makes our list as we travel back again to 1929. Black Tuesday is hardly a banner day for the United States, as this event is largely seen as the beginning of a decade of hardship. What happened?"
...1. Shipwreck 2. Nuclear meltdown 3. Stockmarket crash 4. Plane crash The Stockmarket Crash of 1929 is seen as the start of the Great Depression which plunged the Western world into economic crisis. The crash occurred in October of 1929, with Tuesday, October 29th being dubbed "Black Tuesday" for its debilitating effect, though many other days of market troubles happened throughout the week. Worse still, the stockmarket continued to fall until well into 1932.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. An entirely man-made disaster makes our list as we travel back again to 1929. Black Tuesday is hardly a banner day for the United States, as this event is largely seen as the beginning of a decade of hardship. What happened?"
Stockmarket crash:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. An entirely man-made disaster makes our list as we travel back again to 1929. Black Tuesday is hardly a banner day for the United States, as this event is largely seen as the beginning of a decade of hardship. What happened?"
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