Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which famous chain has exactly one remaining location?"
Blockbuster, which was founded in 1985, once boasted more than 9,000 locations nationwide. But the company’s business model soon became stale when Netflix and Redbox began offering on-demand digital services. Blockbuster declared bankruptcy in 2010 and began closing its doors shortly thereafter, although some franchise locations attempted to remain open. Now, only a single Blockbuster remains in Bend, Oregon. The store has become a popular tourist destination, selling "Last Blockbuster on the Planet" merchandise, ranging from hats, t-shirts, hoodies, and novelty cups.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which famous chain has exactly one remaining location?"
Blockbuster, which was founded in 1985, once boasted more than 9,000 locations nationwide. But the company’s business model soon became stale when Netflix and Redbox began offering on-demand digital services. Blockbuster declared bankruptcy in 2010 and began closing its doors shortly thereafter, although some franchise locations attempted to remain open. Now, only a single Blockbuster remains in Bend, Oregon. The store has become a popular tourist destination, selling "Last Blockbuster on the Planet" merchandise, ranging from hats, t-shirts, hoodies, and novelty cups.
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