Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Jackie Robinson's middle name honors which U.S. president?"
Jackie Robinson was given the middle name Roosevelt in honor of former President Theodore Roosevelt, who died 25 days before Robinson was born. Robinson was a four-sport athlete in high school who excelled in football, basketball, track, and baseball. In 1947, after joining the Brooklyn Dodgers, he broke the color barrier by becoming the first Black athlete to play Major League Baseball. Since 2004, April 15 has been celebrated as Jackie Robinson Day, where all uniformed players in major league baseball wear the number 42 on their jerseys to honor Robinson’s memory and legacy.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Jackie Robinson's middle name honors which U.S. president?"
Theodore Roosevelt:
Jackie Robinson was given the middle name Roosevelt in honor of former President Theodore Roosevelt, who died 25 days before Robinson was born. Robinson was a four-sport athlete in high school who excelled in football, basketball, track, and baseball. In 1947, after joining the Brooklyn Dodgers, he broke the color barrier by becoming the first Black athlete to play Major League Baseball. Since 2004, April 15 has been celebrated as Jackie Robinson Day, where all uniformed players in major league baseball wear the number 42 on their jerseys to honor Robinson’s memory and legacy.
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