Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Honoring the instrument played by Charlie Parker and Bill Clinton, November 6th is what unofficial holiday?"
November 6 is Saxophone Day, an unofficial holiday that celebrates the birthday of the instrument's inventor, Adolphe Sax. Born in Belgium in 1814, Sax was an instrument maker and musician who designed and introduced the saxophone in 1840. This incredibly unique instrument is the only brass instrument in the woodwind family. The saxophone has a rich history for its contributions to music by the likes of classical saxophonist Marcel Mule, jazz musician Charlie Parker, and former President Bill Clinton, to name a few.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Honoring the instrument played by Charlie Parker and Bill Clinton, November 6th is what unofficial holiday?"
Saxophone Day:
November 6 is Saxophone Day, an unofficial holiday that celebrates the birthday of the instrument's inventor, Adolphe Sax. Born in Belgium in 1814, Sax was an instrument maker and musician who designed and introduced the saxophone in 1840. This incredibly unique instrument is the only brass instrument in the woodwind family. The saxophone has a rich history for its contributions to music by the likes of classical saxophonist Marcel Mule, jazz musician Charlie Parker, and former President Bill Clinton, to name a few.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Honoring the instrument played by Charlie Parker and Bill Clinton, November 6th is what unofficial holiday?"
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