Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. This wind blows in the western regions of Canada and America, and takes its name from the native people of the area. It's another hot, dry wind and is also known as the 'Snow Eater'."
...1. The Chinook 2. The Iroquois 3. The Apache 4. The Comanche The Chinook arises where the plains and prairies meet several mountain ranges. The wind flows off the mountains' eastern slopes and is capable of melting 30cms of snow in a few hours. And it doesn't just melt, it evaporates in a process known as 'sublimation', leaving no puddles behind. Hence the name 'Snow Eater'. The wind can cause huge changes in temperature in a matter of minutes. In 1972 in Montana, the temperature rose from -48c to +9c in a few minutes. The Chinook can last from a few days to several weeks, and whereas in winter it can provide some welcome relief from the cold, at other times it can cause dust storms and fires, and people may suffer from headaches and sleeplessness.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. This wind blows in the western regions of Canada and America, and takes its name from the native people of the area. It's another hot, dry wind and is also known as the 'Snow Eater'."
The Chinook:
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