Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Using the image of which famous landmark in a movie will cost you a hefty fee?"
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce holds two trademarks that are important symbols of Hollywood. They include the iconic Hollywood Sign and the world-famous Hollywood Walk of Fame star. The Chamber acquired these trademarks in 1978, when it organized a fundraising campaign to save the Hollywood Sign. Thanks to the Chamber’s efforts, the Sign was completely rebuilt to modern standards. Any commercial use of these two trademarks requires the payment of a licensing fee. The proceeds are used to maintain the Hollywood Sign, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and to help revitalize Hollywood.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Using the image of which famous landmark in a movie will cost you a hefty fee?"
The Hollywood Sign:
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce holds two trademarks that are important symbols of Hollywood. They include the iconic Hollywood Sign and the world-famous Hollywood Walk of Fame star. The Chamber acquired these trademarks in 1978, when it organized a fundraising campaign to save the Hollywood Sign. Thanks to the Chamber’s efforts, the Sign was completely rebuilt to modern standards. Any commercial use of these two trademarks requires the payment of a licensing fee. The proceeds are used to maintain the Hollywood Sign, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and to help revitalize Hollywood.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Using the image of which famous landmark in a movie will cost you a hefty fee?"
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