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Aug 22, 2022

[Answer] Who was the longest-serving President in U.S. history?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who was the longest-serving President in U.S. history?"

...1. George Washington 2. Thomas Jefferson 3. Franklin D. Roosevelt 4. Dwight Eisenhower

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who was the longest-serving President in U.S. history?"

Franklin D. Roosevelt - Franklin D. Roosevelt served as President of the United States for an unprecedented 13 years before suddenly dying in office, winning four back-to-back elections during his tenure. He first came into office in the midst of the Great Depression and brought with him the New Deal, a series of reforms and programs aimed at improving the economy and quality of life for Americans. He also led the country through WWII before passing away three months into his fourth term at home in 1944. His leadership style earned him a great deal of respect and popularity among citizens. Despite his great popularity, Roosevelt’s lengthy stay in office lead to ratifying the 22nd Amendment in 1951, limiting presidents to serving two terms in office.:

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