Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who wants to go for a ride? If you want a furry companion for your summer adventure, you need paw-friendly accommodation near sites worth sniffing. In our list of great resorts for getaways with your puppers, which locale has its own marina allowing easy access to a beautiful barrier island with a dog-friendly beach? "
...1. Bardessono Hotel 2. Calistoga Rancho 3. The Colonnade Hotel 4. Naples Bay Resort and Marina
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who wants to go for a ride? If you want a furry companion for your summer adventure, you need paw-friendly accommodation near sites worth sniffing. In our list of great resorts for getaways with your puppers, which locale has its own marina allowing easy access to a beautiful barrier island with a dog-friendly beach? "
The correct answer is Naples Bay Resort and Marina.,:
Please let us know as comment, if the answer is not correct!
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Who wants to go for a ride? If you want a furry companion for your summer adventure, you need paw-friendly accommodation near sites worth sniffing. In our list of great resorts for getaways with your puppers, which locale has its own marina allowing easy access to a beautiful barrier island with a dog-friendly beach? "
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