Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The White House was burned during what war?"
...1. The War of 1812 2. The Civil War 3. The Spanish-American War 4. American Revolutionary War
Step 2 : Answer to the question "The White House was burned during what war?"
The War of 1812 - On August 24, 1814, the British set fire to the White House during the War of 1812. Despite seeing that President Madison and his wife had already fled, the troops still set fire to the national landmark when they stormed the capital city. On August 22 President Madison left Washington, D.C., to regroup with commanders in the field while the First Lady and staff left the following day. While the President had left her explicit instructions to save personal items and letters, she instead chose to take the portrait of first President George Washington. The building was damaged heavily in the fire, forcing the President to finish his time in office living in the Octagon House. The White House was repaired and President Monroe went on to move in at the start of his term in office in 1817. The only President to not call the White House home was George Washington since it was still being built.:
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