Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country has the highest vegetarian population?"
...1. Sri Lanka 2. Singapore 3. India 4. Thailand
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which country has the highest vegetarian population?"
India - Do you prefer a meat-free diet? You’d probably be at home in India. According to World Atlas, India claims by far the highest number of vegetarians in the world at 38 percent of its population — that’s more than 500 million people. The popularity of Jainism and Buddhism plays a large role in the prevalence of vegetarianism in India, as a tenet of these two religions, “ahimsa” means to do no harm to another living creature. According to the BBC, India’s meat consumption is one of the lowest in the world at under nine pounds per person annually. Other vegetarian-friendly countries include Israel at 13 percent, Taiwan at 12 percent, and Italy at 10 percent of their respective populations.:
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