Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Vietnam at this time in Ho Chi Minh's life was still known by which name?"
...1. French Thailand 2. French Sino Department 3. French Vietnam 4. French Indochina The French had set up a large colonial empire in southeast Asia from the 17th century onwards. It hadn't been a meek takeover by any means. The various nations this involved often fought many battles with the French in an attempt to reclaim their lands. By 1887 however, following the Sino-French war of 1884-85, France was in full control of the area that became known as French Indochina. It included the boundaries we recognise as today's Vietnam, plus Cambodia and Laos. This lasted until 1954, with various leaders of these lands acting as figureheads for their French overlords. In the meantime, the struggles for nationalism continued in one form or another. It all began to fall apart for the French when the First World War eventuated and heralded in a life and death struggle with Germany and her allies. Between the wars, the opposition to French control in southeast Asia grew even stronger. It would be after the disastrous Second World War that the looming struggle between France - and the uneasy alliance between Vietnam nationalists and communists, headed by Ho Chi Minh - began to really shape up.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Vietnam at this time in Ho Chi Minh's life was still known by which name?"
French Indochina:
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