Step 1 : Introduction to the question "A fitting day for Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian, and Bill Gates, what event is celebrated on August 12th?"
Each year on August 12th, National Middle Child Day is observed to honor that in-between child in the family. National Middle Child Day began in 1986 as a way to raise awareness regarding the middle child syndrome. Middle children have a reputation for being ignored by their family, consequently growing up resentful, and withdrawn. Although research shows little correlation between birth order and personality, the stereotype has persisted in pop culture characters like Jan Brady, who epitomizes the embittered middle child.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "A fitting day for Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian, and Bill Gates, what event is celebrated on August 12th?"
Middle Child Day:
Each year on August 12th, National Middle Child Day is observed to honor that in-between child in the family. National Middle Child Day began in 1986 as a way to raise awareness regarding the middle child syndrome. Middle children have a reputation for being ignored by their family, consequently growing up resentful, and withdrawn. Although research shows little correlation between birth order and personality, the stereotype has persisted in pop culture characters like Jan Brady, who epitomizes the embittered middle child.
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