Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of the following singers is known professionally by his actual birth name?"
...Neil Diamond’s real name is Neil Diamond. Just as he was about to embark on a solo career that would make him one of the most beloved entertainers of all time — Diamond had qualms about using his already perfect moniker. Diamond explained: "Although Neil Diamond may sound cool now, when I was about to put my first record out, it was just my name and pretty boring. My first name - Neil - was the one the kids around the street made fun of, so I was anxious to get rid of that name on my first record, but chickened out for personal reasons." Despite his already perfect moniker, he considered using that stage names Noah Kaminsky and Ice Cherry.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of the following singers is known professionally by his actual birth name?"
Neil Diamond:
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