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Jul 17, 2022

[Answer] Where is the world's largest working sundial?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is the world's largest working sundial?"

...1. Rabat, Morocco 2. Tehran, Iran 3. Jaipur, India 4. Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is the world's largest working sundial?"

Jaipur, India - The Samrat Yantra in Jaipur, India, is the world's largest sundial — a title it has held for nearly 300 years. Standing more than 89 feet high and built entirely out of stone, the sundial is said to be capable of telling time to an accuracy of two seconds. It's one of several astronomical instruments within the Jantar Mantar observatory in Jaipur, which was built in the early 18th century under the rajah of Jaipur, Sawai Jai Singh II. According to World Atlas, Jai Singh had five such observatories built throughout India. The other four are located in Mathura, Ujjain, Varanasi, and Delhi. Jaipur's Jantar Mantar is the largest, though, and features 20 or so stone instruments that were designed to predict eclipses, track the movement of constellations, and tell time. It's because of these instruments and the innovation they represent that the Jaipur observatory was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.:

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