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Jul 18, 2022

[Answer] Where is this bridge nicknamed after a coat hanger?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is this bridge nicknamed after a coat hanger?"

...1. Seoul, South Korea 2. Kobe, Japan 3. London, United Kingdom 4. Sydney, Australia

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is this bridge nicknamed after a coat hanger?"

Sydney, Australia - Like the Statue of Liberty in New York, the Sydney Harbour Bridge welcomed immigrants who came to Australia during the 20th century and symbolized their hopes and dreams becoming a reality. When you catch a glimpse of the world-famous bridge, it’s clear why it earned the nickname, the “Coathanger.” Completed in 1932, the steel bridge measures 3,770 feet long and features 6 million rivets drilled by hand, as well as enormous hinges that allow the bridge to expand in the heat of summer. You can also climb the southern half of the bridge. But be sure to train; it takes about two hours to reach the summit!:

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